Vol. 25: 2018




Mirosław Sułek, Geopolitical transformation of the World after the Cold War / 9

Jakub Potulski, The Western idea and the geographical image of ?the Piast Poland? in Polish politics after the Second World War / 27

Monika Noviello, Concept of region in Italian geography and politics / 46

Piotr L. Wilczyński, Production of military aircraft in Europe / 65

Marek Górka, Selected aspects of European Union cyber security policy on the example of Europol / 86

Jan Kowalczewski, Political and military importance of the Suwalki Gap / 104

Adam Gwiazda, Transformation of Saudi Arabia in the shade of the struggle for the throne / 116

Przemysław Mazur, Martyna Targ, Geopolitical and economic benefits of Russia’s involvement in the Syrian conflict / 124

Krzysztof Danielewicz, Armed conflict in Mali in 2012-2013 (final part) / 133

Kinga Kiepura, War against drug cartels in Mexico / 151


Gaweł Strządała, The white and colorful revolutions in works of Oswald Splengler / 162

Witold J. Wilczyński, Polish regaining independence in a geopolitical perspective. Part I: Borderlands sacrifice on an altar of fatherland?s independence (continuation from vol. 24) / 172


Bogdan Grenda, Radosław Bielawski, Rozwój lotniczych środków rażenia, Wyd. Akademia Sztuki Wojennej, Warszawa 2017 ? R. Kopeć / 185

Rafał Kopeć, Przemysław Mazur, Odstraszanie militarne w XXI wieku. Polska ? NATO ?  Rosja, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Kraków 2017 ? M. Papla / 190

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Contributors / 195

Guidelines for Authors / 197