Vol. 26: 2018
Piotr Eberhardt
Political conditions of the Second Commonwealth eastern border’s formation /9
Witold J. Wilczyński
Ukrainians/Ruthenians in the works of Jan and Eugeniusz Romer / 32
Krzysztof Żęgota
The concept of geopolitical wedges. An attempt at the terminological conclusions / 52
Piotr L. Wilczyński
Manufacture of artillery weapons in Europe / 65
Igor Protasowicki
The role of malware in geopolitics / 85
Mateusz Ambrożek
Olga Wasiuta, Sergiusz Wasiuta
Internal policy and administration of ISIS /115
Jerzy Necio
Marzena Czernicka
The Three Seas Initiative in the Bulgarian security policy / 142
Witold J. Wilczyński, Regaining independence by Poland in geopolitical perspective. Part II. Consequences of the period of partitions and the reaction of neighboring powers / 155
Jean-Charles Antoine, Criminal networks in Africa: their origin and geopolitical challenges / 184
Tadeusz A. Kisielewski, Przesmyk suwalski. Rosja kontra NATO, Dom Wydawniczy Rebis,Poznań 2017 – K. Żęgota / 197
Łukasz M. Nadolski, Kampania zimowa w 2015 roku na Ukrainie, Muzeum Wojsk Lądowych,Bydgoszcz 2017 – W. Łysek / 200
Contributors / 203
Guidelines for Authors / 205