Vol. 39: 2022
Witold J. Wilczyński, „Unity in diversity”: genesis and geopolitical significance of the idea / 9
Adam Biliński, The effects of immigration on the support for radical right in the West and its geopolitical implications / 36
Roman Szul, The metamorphosis of Europe in the light of the empires-civilizations theory / 55
Robert Białoskórski, Distribution of power in the Visegrad countries. A powermetric approach / 79
Sylwia Zawadzka, Biometric technology in European Union border management after 2015 / 93
Filip Walczak, CoViD-19 pandemic and potential threats to maritime security / 114
Bohdan Pac, Naval forces development planning in Poland / 130
Paweł Soroka, Statement of Polish Industrial Lobby about Polish submarine fleet liquidation / 159
Orazio M. Gnerre, The Mediterranean thalactic civilization in the thought of Ernst Kapp and Carl Schmitt / 162
Krzysztof Jabłoński, Indemnification and not reparations (about Polish claims against Germany and Russia) – interview with prof. Marek J. Chodakiewicz / 170
4th International Geopolitical Competition / 174
13th Congress of Polish Geopoliticians on „Practical Geopolitics during pandemic” convened Dec. 5th, 2021 / 196
John P. LeDonne, Forging a Unitary State: Russia’s Management of the Eurasian Space, 1650-1850, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo & London 2020 – Witold J. Wilczyński / 201
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Contributors / 209
Guidelines for Authors / 213