Vol. 47: 2024
Roman Szul, The geopolitical significance of language in linguistic and sociolinguistic terms / 9
Rafał Kopeć, The last attribute of a superpower. Intercontinental ballistic missiles as an element of the Russian strategic triad / 27
Agnieszka Szpak, Jakub Kufel, Russian aggression against Ukraine and international humanitarian law / 47
Krzysztof Surowiec, China?s geopolitical position in powermetric terms / 63
Marcin Adamczyk, Hegemonic neorealism as a remedy for the shortcomings of structural realism / 80
Jarosław Macała, The image of German geopolitics in US wartime propaganda: Plan for Destruction (1943) / 97
Norbert Prusiński, The process of command and control in the land forces / 115
Sławomir Wronka, Changes in the command and control system of the Poland?s Armed Forces / 139
Jerzy Wrona, Conflicts over states flags and coats of arms / 152
15th Congress of Polish Geopoliticians and debate on ?Geopolitical consequences of an international order destabilization? ? Kraków, December 3rd 2023 / 169
6th International Geopolitical Competition ? Kraków, December 2nd 2023 / 173
1st War Games of the Polish Geopolitical Society ?Amber Ring 2023? ? Kalisz, November 13th 2023 / 182
National Scientific Conference ?Praxeology in security studies. Education for security and defense? ? Kalisz, November 14-15th 2023 / 187
Jurij Felsztinski, Władimir Pribyłowski, Czas zabójców. Toksyczna polityka Putina przeciw demokracji, Bukowy Las, Wrocław 2022 (and other choosen publications of J. Felsztinski) ? Krzysztof Żęgota / 193
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Contributors / 204
Guidelines for Authors / 207